Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘love child No2’: Cheat facing claims he has second secret tot –

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Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘love child No2’: Cheat facing claims he has second secret tot – Why can’t we men stick to one partner, same goes to women, is it because we are dog brains.


Gold Digger
Image via Wikipedia

It’s such a shame knowing that there’s one law for the Rich and one for the Poor of this Country, Personally I believe as a man if you are big enough to Fornicate your mirage or your Relationship then you should be Big enough to stand up and accept the Wrong you have done your FAMILY in the first place,WHY should you be able to gain gagging order rights over the Woman that you have just degrade her pride.
I am not saying that the Woman in question should not be jointly blame for their actions, Why should the Woman be Publicly named and the SCUMMED of a so called man be made to Hide His Filths from his Family.
Does these people have Daughters or Female relations, do they ever think about anyone around them before they chat women up, take them to Hotels and have their wicked ways with them, about the hearts that they are breaking.
No I am a Footballer,Member of Alimentary, Judge or a member of the Super RICH club.
I am so sorry for these young ladies who are caught up in situation like poor Imogen,
Don’t try it with any of my Daughters or Sisters God help you.
Come on girl tell me his name and I will shout it for you, the Judge call you a Gold Digger but how much did he get Paid to Gogging you, you are not a Blackmailer, you are only trying to come clean and let his family know what a Dirty scumbag this not so much of a person is.