Mexican authorities are investigating the actress who set up the El Chapo-Sean Penn rendezvous

Mexican officials and the DEA are reportedly looking into whether Kate del Castillo broke any laws in her dealings with the drug lord.

Source: Mexican authorities are investigating the actress who set up the El Chapo-Sean Penn rendezvous

6 Corporations Found ‘Hiding’ Dangerous GMO Ingredients: Nestle & Pepsi Found Guilty Of ‘Abusive Corporate Practices Against Consumers’.

Source: 6 Corporations Found ‘Hiding’ Dangerous GMO Ingredients: Nestle & Pepsi Found Guilty Of ‘Abusive Corporate Practices Against Consumers’.


Pat's Letters God Inspired

Mark 5:25 And there was a woman in the crowd who had a hemorrhage for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal from many doctors through the years and had spent everything she had to pay them,but she had gotten no better.In fact,she was worse.

Can you imagine what this lady must have  went through!! It had to be bad,not only her scent but her strength. I mean she was tapped out and in worse shape,the doctors could not help her. Now she’s sick and broke.And back then she was not even suppose to be in public in her condition.But I tell ya when things get bad enough you’ll try almost anything,but thank God someone was talking about Jesus (vs 27) She had heard about Jesus.Not only did she hear,but she believed and started moving toward him!  She came up behind him through the crowd and touched the hem…

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